CMS will review a proposed WCMSA plan when the following workload review thresholds are met:

  • The claimant is a Medicare beneficiary and the total settlement amount is greater than $25,000.00; or
  • The claimant has a reasonable expectation of Medicare enrollment within 30 months of the settlement date and the anticipated total settlement amount for future medical expenses and disability or lost wages over the life or duration of the settlement agreement is expected to be greater than $250,000.00.

A claimant has a reasonable expectation of Medicare enrollment within 30 months if any of the following apply:

  • The claimant has applied for Social Security Disability Benefits
  • The claimant has been denied Social Security Disability Benefits but anticipates appealing that decision
  • The claimant is in the process of appealing and/or re-filing for Social Security Disability benefits
  • The claimant is 62 years and 6 months old
  • The claimant has an End Stage Renal Disease (ESRD) condition but does not yet qualify for Medicare based upon ESRD
  • If a threshold is met, a WCMSA can be submitted to CMS for approval.
  • These thresholds are created based on CMS’ workload, and are not intended to indicate that claimants may settle below the threshold with impunity. Claimants must still consider Medicare’s interests in all WC cases and ensure that Medicare pays secondary to WC in such cases.
  • The computation of the total settlement amount includes, but is not limited to, an allocation for future prescription medications of the type normally covered by Medicare, in addition to allocations for other Medicare covered and non-covered medical expenses, indemnity (lost wages), attorney fees, set-aside amount, non-Medicare medical costs, payout totals for all annuities rather than cost or present values, settlement advances, lien payments (including repayment of Medicare conditional payments), amounts forgiven by the carrier, prior settlements of the same claim, and liability settlement amounts on the same WC injury (unless apportioned by a court on the merits).

There are no statutory or regulatory provisions requiring that you submit a WCMSA amount proposal to CMS for review. If you choose to use CMS’ WCMSA review process, the Agency requests that you comply with CMS’ established policies and procedures. For additional MSA resources visit our Resources page or contact Natalie Clark below.

Natalie Clark
Natalie Clark
Atlas Settlement Group, Inc.
Medicare Compliance Services

3414 Peachtree Road, NE
Suite 990
Atlanta, GA 30326
Office: 404-926-4160 x215
Fax: 404-926-4161
Email: Natalie Clark
View Natalie’s Bio

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