Structured Settlement Broker Adam Miller
Adam Miller
Baltimore, MD Location
225 Schilling Circle, Suite 255
Hunt Valley, Maryland 21031
Office: 410-561-7177
Fax: 410-561-7176
Email: Adam Miller

Sarasota, FL Location
P.O. Box 3918
Sarasota, Florida 34230
Email: Adam Miller

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Adam Miller is president of Miller Financial Group, a member of Atlas Settlement Group, in the Baltimore, Maryland area, and a veteran in the financial services industry. Adam is responsible for his firm’s vision, growth, and client initiatives.

For over 25 years, Adam has extensive experience in working with individuals, multi-district liability, and mass tort cases involving personal injury, wrongful death, medical malpractice- litigation, products liability, environmental and toxic tort liability, workers compensation, and automobile liability. Through creative plan design, implementation, and administration, Adam has assisted in the resolution of countless cases ultimately creating financial certainty and protection for all parties involved. Adam attends mediations, evaluates the potential need for a Trust, Special Needs Trust and I or Medicare Set Aside, and assists with overall case evaluation to include, but not limited to medical record review and applicable age-rating, review of legal documentation pertaining to the structured settlement annuity, and general client education. Adam is dedicated to providing independent professional financial advice that celebrate the growth and representation of his clients’ stated matters of importance through the resources he provides.

Adam holds several licenses from the Financial Industry Regulation Authority (FINRA) and is a member of the National Structured Settlement Trade Association (NSSTA). In his free time, Adam enjoys traveling and spending quality time with his wife and 2 children doing all-things the great outdoors has to offer.

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