future_gauranteedWhen you accept a structured settlement, you’re adding confidence and certainty to your financial future. Each year, thousands of Americans turn to structured settlements because no other option has so many unique advantages.

Here are a few of the long-term benefits you’ll see with your structured annuity: tax-free income. No trust or management fees. Full payments even if you return to work.

Your right to these benefits stems from a 1983 federal law confirming that all financial compensation received on account of a physical injury is exempt from taxation. Since then, more than half a million people have chosen a structured settlement to guarantee steady future income.

No wonder many disability rights activists call structured settlements the smart choice for settling a case.

“In 1992, I was in an auto accident that wasn’t my fault. The accident caused back and neck injuries that forced me to give up my nursing job. Three years later, when my case settled, I was married and expecting a child. I was tempted to take cash, particularly given our childcare expenses. Instead, I put almost all the money into a structured settlement that will begin payments when I retire. There’s incredible peace of mind knowing that my retirement payments are totally secure. If I had to do it over again, I’d absolutely go with the structured settlement.”

Read the full article here.

Suzanne Sinacori
Structured Settlement Beneficiary
Simsbury, CT

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